I finally figured out how to really enjoy women. Get them in high heels, tight dresses Lol! I am just kidding. I had an all women birthday celebration and it was more like drunk on love and inner beauty. Deep gazing into eyes that were full of compassion, passion and hope. So much talent and inspiration to share, we would have needed a whole weekend. That gives me the idea for my next birthday party!
Nothing really disturbs me so much any more, because I have these amazing woman by my side, walking the path of inner peace and joy together. I used to feel lonely on this road, but all that changed when I decide to stop playing small and dimming my light. I felt this roar in the very deepest part of my being to breakout of ALL limiting relationships. Relationships that made me feel even lonelier.
Nothing really disturbs me so much any more, because I have these amazing woman by my side, walking the path of inner peace and joy together. I used to feel lonely on this road, but all that changed when I decide to stop playing small and dimming my light. I felt this roar in the very deepest part of my being to breakout of ALL limiting relationships. Relationships that made me feel even lonelier.
Communicate with the greatness in you
The secret is vulnerability, and fearless communications. Sometimes its easier to hide away from what we really feel and what we really want to say. the problem is that we block the other stuff too. The compliments, the pouring out of sweetness, the lifting up and holding in love. For that stuff to flow out of us we need to open up the line of real seeing and hearing. REAL vulnerability.
Do you have girlfriends who have hurt you and you have said nothing? Or are you angry with one who you feel misunderstood something? Make the effort to clear up all this stuff so that whenever you meet all that is shared is this deep respect, appreciation and joy to be in the presences of a goddess. Because in the end when we come from our greatness and live our genius it is the greatest and most exquisite thing to experience.
I invite you, women, to shine your light brighter than EVER and lift your head up to the sky and smile in gratitude for all the amazing woman you know..and keep reminding each other of how awesome and wonderful we are...together we are powerful and can do anything we set our heart and mind to.
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